You, O God, Majestic Creator, are the origin of all life.
Nothing can exclude itself from your creative influence.
You are wonderful in your words and in your sovereignty.
Amazed, I contemplate the perfection of the world you created for human beings.
You are unmatched in your power and in your goodness.
O Lord, you direct like a conductor the orchestration of a storm, and you shape like a sculptor the petals of a flower.
You are prodigious in your majesty and in your wisdom.
Lord, you have fashioned human beings to accept the challenges of nature and to be your voice in creation.
O Lord and King, Majestic Creator, you have made your mystery transparent in the world you have created.
I worship you in your creation and in your providence.
From Prayers of Blessing and Praise for All Occasions, copyright 1987, Hugo Schlesinger and Humberto Porto.
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