Sunday, July 25, 2010

Prayer of Praise

Lord our God,
You who are the source of all life
Let us joyfully praise you:
Let us worship you for the gift of Jesus your Son
Who came to earth, that before the open heavens,
This earth might direct its hopes and plans towards you.
Let us acclaim you for the salvation
that your Son offers to all humanity
Let us honor you for the gift of the Spirit
through whom you renew the universe.
Let us praise you when our churches,
our communities and congregations draw from
you the strength to break through the barriers of death and division.
Let us praise you when our world is able, through your assembled people,
to find reason still to hope in Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Spirit of wisdom and understanding, enlighten our minds to perceive the mysteries of the universe in relation to eternity. Spirit of right judgment and courage, guide us and make us firm in our baptismal decision to follow Jesus' way of love. Spirit of knowledge and reverence, help us to see the lasting value of justice and mercy in our everyday dealings with one another. May we respect life as we work to solve problems of family and nation, economy and ecology. Spirit of God, spark our faith, hope and love into new action each day. Fill our lives with wonder and awe in your presence which penetrates all creation. Amen.

Prayer on Contemplating Nature

You, O God, Majestic Creator, are the origin of all life.
Nothing can exclude itself from your creative influence.
You are wonderful in your words and in your sovereignty.
Amazed, I contemplate the perfection of the world you created for human beings.
You are unmatched in your power and in your goodness.
O Lord, you direct like a conductor the orchestration of a storm, and you shape like a sculptor the petals of a flower.
You are prodigious in your majesty and in your wisdom.
Lord, you have fashioned human beings to accept the challenges of nature and to be your voice in creation.
O Lord and King, Majestic Creator, you have made your mystery transparent in the world you have created.
I worship you in your creation and in your providence.
From Prayers of Blessing and Praise for All Occasions, copyright 1987, Hugo Schlesinger and Humberto Porto.

Prayers of Petition

O Lord, grant us the grace to respect and care for Your creation.

Lord, hear our prayer.

O Lord, bless all of your creatures as a sign of Your wondrous love.

Lord, hear our prayer.

O Lord, help us to end the suffering of the poor and bring healing to all of Your creation.

Lord, hear our prayer.

O Lord, help us to use our technological inventiveness to undo the damage we have done to Your creation and to sustain Your gift of nature.

Lord, hear our prayer.

Prayer For Rain

O God, in Whom we live and move, and have our being, grant us rain, in due abundance, that, being sufficiently helped with temporal, we may the more confidently seek after eternal gifts. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Prayer Source: Novena in Honor of St. Isidore: Patron of Farmers by National Catholic Rural Life Conference, National Catholic Rural Life Conference

Prayer of The Apostles Creed

I believe in God,
the Father Almighty,
Creator of Heaven and earth.

I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died and was buried.
He descended to the dead.
On the third day, He rose again.
He ascended to Heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the Holy Catholic Church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and life everlasting. Amen.

Prayer to glorious mother

Blessed art Thee:
'Oh, Glorious Mother!',
In such Sublime Spouse
The Holy Spirit nested;
Finding the Father Grace:
"His Son with Thee He formed!"

Overshadowing Thee,
'Power and Love gave to Thee',
For cradling the Messiah:
"Jesus Our Lord!"

Eternal God of Old,
Who forever has been
Came down to earth, Incarnated:
"¡Taking in Thee the Flesh!"

He has purified Thee,
By being inside of Thee;
Thus, his Heart is Thine:
"And his Truth, Thy Light!"

Thou hast Suckled Him,
'Pure Arch of God';
And He to Thee, with His Word:
"First Disciple He made!"

Pure and Transparent Crystal,
That better reflects God;
Make me look at Thee always,
"Faithful reflection of the Lord!"

Prayer to Mother

Beloved Divine Goddess,
Most Sweet Dear Mother,
flood me with thine waters,
liberate my spring of life.

May it flow free and serene
by the roads waiting for it,
may it ascend to heights
seeking Heaven on Earth.

Your beds are of silver and gold,
your waters are light of stars,
run on prairies and valleys
washing with love their slopes.

Blessed be thy voice that speaks,
instructs, guides and loves me.
Uncover to me thy secrets
that my being yearns to know them!

Prayer To Mary

O Divine Mother, Queen of Heaven and Queen of Angels, Energy of Shakti*, Keeper of Sacred Keys and Codes in Thy Divine Heart, I, Thy devotee, offers this humble Section of my Website in Thy Honor. Please, help men balance their female energy as was balanced in the heart of Thy Divine Son, Jesus Sananda. Please, help women find back their rightful place in the governance of this planet Gaia and be cherished and honored by their male counterpart. In the Name of Thy Holy Son I pray. Amen.